A comprehensive traffic study was completed as part of Alpenglow Timber’s use permit application. The study finds that resulting traffic will have a less-than-significant impact, with a 1% increase in new peak hour summer traffic on Highway 89. Additionally, the existence of the facility will reduce vehicle miles from log trucks that are already traveling Highway 89 and Interstate 80 to existing sawmills in Quincy and Lincoln by providing a more local destination.
The traffic study did not identify a need for a dedicated turn lane on Highway 89 at Klondike Flat Road. The existing sub-standard Klondike Flat Road, which is owned by Hundred Acre Woods, an affiliated land holding company of Alpenglow Timber, and used by area residents, will be brought up to County standards by Alpenglow Timber as part of the project, providing for safe, two-way traffic and improved emergency service access. It will be improved and maintained by Alpenglow Timber, including paving for dust abatement and erosion control, drainage capture and infiltration and winter snow removal for the mutual benefit of the project and the local residents.
The Alpenglow Timber project is an agricultural-based project as defined by both the county and the USDA consisting of two vertically-integrated and commonly-owned businesses involved in the protection and production of forest resources. Forest zoning districts do not permit any industrial use, only agricultural-based uses. Agricultural operation, as defined by the USDA, includes but is not limited to soil cultivation, dairying, production, irrigation, and frost protection while also covering the growing, harvesting, and processing of crops, timber, trees, flowers, herbs, and animal husbandry, including livestock, poultry, fish, and other animals. The production and processing of timber is “strongly encouraged” in rural regions such as this project site by way of county General Plan policy and demonstrated conformance with the applicable Forest zoning district.
A noise study was completed to assess the project-generated noise impact on our residential neighbors. The study confirms Alpenglow Timber is consistent with County-acceptable thresholds for the proposed operating hours of 7 AM – 10 PM, Monday through Saturday. This is a result of the use of modern and innovative machinery, the purposeful enclosure of the sawmill operations within an insulated structure with minimal wall openings, and the placement of the sawmill buildings at the furthest practical distance from the neighboring residences. In addition, the equipment that is of highest noise impact is placed in sound enclosures, inside the insulated buildings.
The Air Quality Technical Report prepared for the project concluded less-than-significant impacts for any potential construction, operational, health, odor, greenhouse gas emissions and/or cumulative impacts, utilizing both State and Federal regulatory models and emission factors. Klondike Flat Road will be paved to help to reduce dust pollution. The proposed project would generate numerous environmental benefits relating to forestry management, reduction in heavy truck vehicle miles travelled (VMT) and renewable energy consistent with the State’s greenhouse gas reduction goals.
The design of the buildings and location of down lighting over building entrances will not detract from the natural beauty of the surrounding forested land, and meets the county requirements for mitigation of light pollution.
As stated above, the noise study confirms the project is within the County’s thresholds and a wood products facility is compatible with the FR-640-SC zoning. To offset any potential visual and aesthetic impacts, the project will be sited out of view of residences, minimize building material reflectivity, and limit signage to a single code-complying project monument sign.
In addition to the on-site water storage and fire suppression capability requirements proposed and required, Alpenglow Timber has offered to the neighbors to fund the installation of an additional fire hydrant adjacent to Klondike Flat Road that services the neighborhood and may improve the ability of homeowners to meet fire insurance requirements and increase property values. The newly paved road that Alpenglow Timber creates will also help the neighborhood as a whole, and bring the road up to county standards for safety and access.
The county-prepared CEQA document, a Mitigated Negative Declaration, necessarily utilizes and applies an objective and quantifiable analysis of potential project impacts within twenty individual environmental factors. This CEQA assessment of the project concludes that there will not be a significant effect to, or impact upon, the environment with the imposition of the recommended mitigation measures. This conclusion supports the use and adoption of the proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration and confirms that preparation of an Environmental Impact Report (or EIR) is unwarranted.
Vehicles and log trucks have shared the road with the residential neighbors for the last three years as part of Alpenglow Timber’s approved operation to store logs on the property, because of lack of available outlets for forest thinning material, in line with permission from the county. There have been no instances of any interference or any safety concerns with this traffic. With the road improvements proposed, Alpenglow Timber is actually improving the safety, noise, and air quality concerns over the existing narrow dirt road.
In response to residents’ concerns, Alpenglow Timber worked with the Tahoe National Forest to explore potential alternate access to the property via an unpopulated route through the Prosser Creek OHV area. After more than four months, the Tahoe National Forest determined that it was not feasible to pursue the alternate route due to policy 2703.2 - Use of National Forest System Lands. This policy only authorizes use of National Forest System lands (including roads) if the use cannot be provided for non-National Forest System lands. Therefore, Alpenglow Timber is necessarily proceeding with the originally planned ingress/egress via Klondike Flat Road as the sole legally-created and dedicated access to his property.
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